Graffe are the tallest animals of all. they have long legs and long necks. There are 7 bones in their necks the same as in ours Males can grow to nearly five and a half metres tall.. and females to nearly five metres tall.
There are about 9 different sub-species,or breeds of giraffe. Thers are only small differences between them when giraffes of two differnet sub-species breed, the young are called hybrds (mixed breeds).of the nine sub-species of giraffe, only one the Rothchild's is endangered.
Giraffe like in groups called herds although the members of a herd come and go they don't stay together all the time.
Tiraffes are browsers or leat eaters. their long necks are so they can reach high into trees to eat the leaves.
They have 45-50cm long blue black tongues tha wrap around leaves and pick them from the branch. The long tongue helps them get leaves just out of reach. The dark colour of the tomgue means it does not get sunburnt when it is out of the mouth leaves give giraffes most of the moisture they need so that they do not often have to drink water.
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